Photo by Karine Germain on Unsplash
The CMO Whisperer
Maybe this is your first role as a CMO, or maybe you’re working your way to becoming one. Everything I’ve learned, I learned by talking to people smarter than me. I offer a unique service to a select group of people, to be a marketing strategy and development partner, and help you succeed in your role as CMO.
I offer a weekly, scheduled call for us to discuss your week, share ideas, and tackle challenges that may have emerged. Some may be strategic, while others may be social or political in the workplace, I never profess to have all the answers, but let’s be honest, nobody does. I can offer an experienced point-of-view that has been forged by success and failures, and a humble point of view that may help you in your journey. I can also force you to look at things from a different perspective, and bring ideas to the table that may complement, or contradict, what you were thinking about already. We can talk, brainstorm or just B.S our way through the conversation, and I’m on call the rest of the week to help you with situations that may arise. Everything is confidential and only intended for you. If you’re interested, drop me a line and we can set up some time to speak.
Adam Boettiger, Chief Marketing Officer
"One of the greatest strengths of a CMO is humility - to be able to admit that despite years of experience, nobody, including you, knows it all. As Chief Marketing Officer of a B2B SaaS company, one of the smartest decisions I made was to budget weekly time with Cory on an ongoing basis. Two experienced minds are always better than one. Cory's observations and keen insights were invaluable, helped me grow professionally, and had a tangible impact on the bottom line. Highly recommend."
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